

Hello!!!! If you'd like to work with me, have a question, wanna stop for a moment and say "Hi!!!", or chat all things photography... I'd love to talk to you! You can email me at orangetreesquare [at] gmail [dot] com.

You can also find me on any of the social media platforms listed below:

I'd really love to connect with you, so don't hesitate to reach out to me! And hey...thanks so much for reading Orange Tree Square!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer, your blog is so pretty and fun. I am currently looking for a designer for a new blog header for my own blog and I like yours so much I am wondering if you would share your resource with me as to who/the company that created it is? I am looking to re-vamp my own site. If your curious and want to see it/me the address is Thank you for entertaining my inquiry. I am looking forward to hearing back from you. All my best, Gwen


All photos by Orange Tree Photographie unless otherwise noted. Copyright 2009-2016. Powered by Blogger.