2024: You're Lookin So Bright!!!

2024: You're Lookin So Bright!!!


Hello and Happy 2024!!! New year, New start.....right?

The end of 2024 brought a lot of changes and excitement in our world....starting with a fantastic trip to New Orleans! I'll be blogging this trip later in the week.  Then upon our return to Coastal Virginia we hosted Christmas for our families. It was such a lovely holiday....despite both M and I getting some weird stomach virus in the days leading up to Xmas:/

But, the biggest news is that M asked me to marry him on December 23rd :) It's truly the easiest "Yes" of my life and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my days with him and our little furbabies! I'll share some of the wedding planning process over the next few months, but for the most part, this will remain a travel and fine art blog. 

Have a great last week of January friends, see you at the end of the week with a New Orleans post!



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