A Song, A Book, A Quote, A Look

A Song, A Book, A Quote, A Look


  • A Song -- I'm loving Lainy Wilson right now. For her music and for the fact that she's the definition of perserverance in an industry that can eat you alive. Go Lainy!!!

  • A Book -- I'm late to the game. I read the other books in this series, watched the BBC production (LOVED IT!) and then saw this book and thought "she wrote a new book!" No....this is from a few years ago and apparently I missed it! But I'm loving it now.... ;)

  • A Quote -- It's true. Love is what it's all about at the end of the day. 

  • A Look -- I'm into the jean jacket look right now. And straw bags....gimme alll the straw bags!!

Hope you are good -- are you surviving the great pollening? Boy, I'll be glad when that's over and we can all breathe again :)

Do you like the new blog look? I thought it was time for a new, fresh look. 

Take care till next time!

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