Greeting and salutations! Again, it's been a hot minute hasn't it?! It is what it is I guess. What can I say? I do have soooo much content to share with you and I'm super exited to get started. So, let's just dive right into this...
My guy and I belong to a photo club and some of our outings are really awesome!! A few weekends ago we took a tour with Erik Moore and Moore To See Photo Expeditions to Monkey Island.
Monkey Island is a remote, natural island located in Currituck Sound, North Carolina and is part of the Currituck National Wildlife Refuge. Contrary to its name, there are no monkeys on Monkey Island. It is named for the Pamunkey nation that once inhabited the area, and used the island for summer hunting. {via: Wikipedia}
At this time of the year, the island is full of herons, white egrets, snowy egrets and osprey...all making nests and raising their spring babies. The island is uninhabited and it's illegal to get off your boat and go ashore. This is where Erik and his knowledge comes in very handy. He knows all the great spots to go to and has a lot of background information to share. He's a photographer too, so he's aware of all the good vantage points to get that great shot!
We've been on two tours with him so far and cannot recommend it enough! If you have the chance, book a tour with him and bring your worth it!
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