Sunday Round Up, 7

Sunday Round Up, 7


Happy Sunday friends!! It's October! The gateway to Christmas month! My favorite month! Again with the exclamation points Jennifer...knock it off!! Sorry...

No but seriously, it's really my number 2 favorite month of the year. No, make that #3. First is March cause it's my birthday month, then December cause....duh...then October. Living in VA can make the month of October kinda frustrating for those of us that are waiting for the cooler weather, but it's still pretty darn nice. There is something about cool mornings that turn warm in the afternoon and then cool again at night. Ahhhh.....

I have SO much content to share with's been a busy two months over here with a lot of wanderlust happening! For that reason, I've been a little absent in this space. Catching up this weekend and look for some posts about my recent adventures. Meanwhile, here's what I've found on the internet lately that I find interesting....maybe you will too :)

  • Ahhhh, those Gilmore boys. Were you team Dean, Jess or Logan? Personally, I was rooting for Logan the entire series:) -- via The Medium
  • Did you know TAB was still a thing? Was it really ever a thing? I'm trying to remember if I ever tasted it?'s gone. Peace out! -- via Jezebel
  • Twitter is both a blessing and a curse in my opinion. But sometimes it's really, really funny and we could all use funny right now, right? Go here for some giggles :) -- via BuzzFeed
  • Chris Stapleton is so talented. His voice isn't for everyone, but I love it. His newest song is top notch in my book, you can hear it here. -- via VEVO YouTube
  • Are you spending the holidays with family this year? Are you unsure if you should? This article is encouraging, as long as we follow common sense rules. -- via The Atlantic

That's all I've got this fin Sunday friends. Anything interesting that you've come across this past week? Drop me a line and let me know about it!

Have a fantastic week... 
Also....FOURTEEN DAYS until the election. Have you made a plan to VOTE yet? Don't wait till the last moment...this election is so, so very important.

Jenn xoxo

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