Sunday Roundup, 5

Sunday Roundup, 5

Happy Sunday my friends!!!!
Tomorrow is June 1st!
Tomorrow is my sister's wedding anniversary!
Congratulations Katie and Tim on SEVEN years:) So very happy for you <3

Today's roundup is dedicated to LOVE. The world needs more of it. I need more of it. You need more of it. We ALL need more love. The amount of hate and pain in our country alone is devastating. As a country, we are on fire. And there doesn't appear to be anything coming to douse the flames anytime soon....and that concerns me.

Then there's the continuation of the COVID virus. It's taking it's toll on all of us in so many ways. It's making us crave connection and at the same time causing fear of gathering together. The masks are stifling. The social distancing is not something that comes naturally. Tempers are flaring. Stress is abounding. Love is getting lost in the midst of all of this. Disagreements are becoming against each other and not the issue....because we are so out of our element on so many levels. We are literally screaming for help and to be seen and heard.

I don't know what the answer is to solve all of this. I think it will take time, patience and above everything....LOVE. I know for me, it's something I'm working hard on and I'm optimistic that in the you'll see in the move Love Actually....we'll discover that LOVE is actually....all around us :)

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ― Lao Tzu

Without further's this week's roundup:

  • Men! Listen Up! Romance is not dead...or it shouldn't be;) -- via The Medium

  • Ladies! Stop sucking so much. Seriously. It's a harsh, blunt statement....but we really need to check ourselves sometimes. -- Via Amy Young Coaching

  • Significant relationships aren't always of the romantic variety. Here...10 people talk about their connections with family, friends, partners and even pets. -- via The New York Times

  • It's almost the official start to summer. The beaches in VA are opening back up and I know I plan to spend some time in my beach chair with my toes in the sand and surf. One of my favorite things to do every summer is catch up on romance novels:) Here's a list of 28 that are worth reading this summer! -- via The Buzzfeed

  • This account. Good gracious are they hilarious! And real. I like real couples...because as we all know...relationships take work and it's not always rainbows and unicorns. Go follow them for a good dose of laughter:) -- via Instagram

I hope this week is good to you. I hope this week brings you some peace, clarity and love. We will be okay....but at what cost?

Jenn xo

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