Greetings friends. This is a day late....what can I say....whew....what a week. And not in a good way unfortunately:/ Was it insane for you too? I'm really starting to hate this quarantine life and am honestly ready to go back to work in my office. I've appreciated that I've been able to work remotely, but the absence of human contact has taken it's toll on me. Tempers have flared and emotions have been very high this past week. Adulting....not always a walk in the park is it?!
I did get to spend some quality time with my friends last Saturday....we had a little BBQ and tried to social distance on the back porch...we weren't always successful tho;) Again...lack of human contact for the girl who lives alone...I got a little handsy!! I also got to see my parents this past Saturday for a very brief period as I tagged along with my sister to meet up and get her dog back from them. They were watching Watson while my sister and bro-in-law moved into their new, amazing home!!!
As it's been a busy week, my roundup might seem a little sparse again, but that's okay. No rules in this space. One week may be abundant and the others not so much. It's about balance. Kind of like eating a cheeseburger but having a Diet Coke with it ;)
Go forth and enjoy friends....
- I suppose if we have to wear a mask....we should really enjoy the heck out of it! Right?! This young lady is a fellow muggle after my own heart :) -- via Huffington Post
- Speaking of quarantine times....this family....WOW! They took quarantining to the next level and it's super cute and creative! -- via Facebook
- What is your relationship with writing? That's the question this writing counselor asked her students first. I struggle sometimes with my writing. My friends says she struggles with her writing too. This article is very insightful and I enjoyed it immensely. -- Via Medium
- I dated a guy who wanted to "homestead" and part of that was having chickens in the backyard. I kinda was on-board cause who wouldn't love to go out and get fresh eggs every morning? But then...the clucking and mess. Yeah, no thanks. (Plus...I kinda broke up with him) But, apparently it's become a big thing during COVID. -- Via The Hustle
- I would totally do this...but my office is 8 miles away from my home. Plus, my hair would be a disaster once I got there! -- via The Hustle
Have a beautiful Memorial Day and thank you to all those who have sacrificed so that we may be free. Your service is so appreciated <3
Jenn xo
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