Sunday Roundup, 3

Sunday Roundup, 3

Greetings friends! Has this been the most glorious week, weather-wise for the 757?! Gosh, it's like May took pity on us and decided to show us some real springtime weather. I'm thankful, that is for sure.

This fella above is thankful too. Open windows = Happy Finn <3 He's never met a window he doesn't love. And I get it...what's not to love about a sunny perch, the breeze going through your hair and food just out of reach on the floor? Thankful indeed....

Well here is what I have cultivated for you this past week my lovelies. Go forth and enjoy!

  • Speaking of cats. This article was pretty awesome and proves that these little monsters have been entertaining humans for a very, very long time! -- via The Smithsonian Magazine

  • Like we didn't have enough to deal with with COVID-19...we've got MURDER HORNETS now? I just....cannot. -- via The NY Times

  • "this "farm" you think of doesn't exist. I am the farm. I am the cows the horses the pigs" -- a tweet from Chrissy Teigen. What a shit storm Alison Roman has gotten herself into...stay in your lane Alison. -- via Jezebel

  • Do you love bourbon? I love bourbon. This is an interesting article...go forth and learn:) -- via The Smithsonian Magazine

Well friends, it's a short list this Sunday....been a little busy! This coming week is going to be rather rainy due to Tropical Storm Arthur so hoping to get some good content put down on paper!

Have a fantastic evening:)

Jenn xo

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