Wanderlust // OBX

Wanderlust // OBX

Sometimes you wake up on a Sunday morning, have your coffee and casually watch the morning shows....then suddenly have an urge to get in the car and go somewhere! This happened 2 weeks ago and I'm so glad I acted on it. Being a singleton, it's really depressing at times to see everyone pairing up and doing things on the weekends....together. This makes it a little harder (at least for me in the past) to dig deep and decide to venture out alone. But, I came to the realization that just sitting at home isn't going to do you any good and if you want to see something or some place...you need to put on your big girl pants and JUST GO.

So, I went. To the Outer Banks in NC. It's only 1.5 hours from my home and I really should go more often. I left around 11:30am and arrived around 1:30pm...just in time for an ice cream cone and the ocean in all it's blue-green glory. I couldn't have asked for a better day weather-wise, the sun was bright in the sky and the temperature was a balmy 73 degrees. For the end of October, it's kinda crazy. But for a venture to the beach, it's kinda perfect!!

Sunday's at the OBX and Manteo are very quiet. Few tourists are around and a lot of the shops are closed for the day. But it didn't deter me from some good quality time on the beach, soaking in the sun and sparkle off the ocean. I encourage you to reach out past your comfort zone if this is something you've always wanted to do, but didn't. Nothing ventured, nothing gained as the saying goes :)


  1. Beautiful!! Obx is such a peaceful place, glad you enjoyed yourself.

  2. Thankyou amanda!!! It really is beautiful isn’t it?


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