Life Lately // Via Instagram

Life Lately // Via Instagram

Life lately has consisted of flowers, cats, dogs, coffee and carbs! Exciting eh?! Summer is in full force here and I find myself staying inside more...where it's cool. I promised I wouldn't complain this year about the heat and humidity...and I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far;) But...I'm just not built for this weather. I find myself dreaming of moving to Maine about this time every year! The high today is 65* up there! And no humidity!!!

Ah well....I've survived many summers prior...I'll survive this one too:) One perk of this season is that the peonies are out at the markets in full force! I will admit to frequenting Trader Joes and picking up a few bouqets over the past weeks:) I'll have a post coming up soon that's a study in peony still life...

I hope you are enjoying your summer so far....what far away places are you visiting or just dreaming of this year? Tell me...I'll live vicariously through you;)

Be Well,

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