Life Lately // 2017

Life Lately // 2017

I'm ready for Spring. While I enjoyed our snow last week, it was enough to make me yearn for a soft, warm breeze and buds on the trees. As I grow older, the seasons have started to mean more for me. I still despise the summer humidity and I still love the first freezing snow of the year, but I've come to accept them for what they are. My goal this year is to not complain so much...there's nothing that one can do to change the weather and it just makes me feel whiny! So....there's that!

I hope you had a great holiday season. It was lovely here. Family came from NC and we convened at my sister's home. It was low-key and restorative...just what I needed. Work has been....stressful....but the new year brings some change and I'm hopeful that it will iron out in the next 6 months:) I'm trying to make my health (both physical and mental) a priority this year and have a lot of plans. Slow starts and small changes:) I'm also going to try much harder to write and be present here on the blog. It's been awhile and I feel rather rusty right now, but I'll keep plugging away.....

Here are a few things that are going on right now.....

  • Catching up on Nashville over on CMT. So glad it found a new home!
  • I'm keeping an illustrated journal -- writing and drawing a couple times per week. I'll share some here in the near future.
  • Having flowers in the home....they help me get through the super cold months!
  • Film photography. I'm working hard to learn my 35mm, manual Pentax.
  • Drinking lots of iced-coffee...even in the winter months!
  • Learning watercolor's not easy...but I love it!
See you next time!

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