Fresh Berry Galette // Summer Goodness

Fresh Berry Galette // Summer Goodness

The fruit in my house was whispering to me this past Tuesday. "Use usssss or lose ussss...." And since I spent a nice amount on said fruit, I listened:) I had strawberries, blackberries and peaches. All at the same stage of ripeness = SUPER ripe. The kind of super ripe that if you wait just 24 more hours it may be too late. So yeah, I listened.

One recipe that I've really wanted to try is a fruit galette. It's basically an open faced pie. Nothing fancy, nothing complicated. The kind of recipe that won't require a crazy ingredient list or a lot of time to bake. And....if you're like me and happen to have pre-made pie crust in the fridge....well then....BOOM!! Extra easy! When I have more time, I will repeat this recipe with a home-made crust as I think it will be thicker. You can see that with the ripeness of my fruit, came a juiciness that was kinda off the charts. Makes for interesting pictures....but the bottom of the galette was a tad thin and stuck to the paper. 

Despite all was delicious! I took it into work the following day and my co-workers were very pleased....especially when we added a bit of vanilla ice-cream to the plate. Yum!!

Enjoy everyone :)
Jenn <3

Recipe: Fresh Berry Galette


2 cups fresh fruit, diced.
1 Tbsp cornstarch
2 Tbsp sugar
1 Tsp nutmeg
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 Egg, beaten
1 Pre-made pie crust (or use your favorite homemade pie crust recipe!)


Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees.

Mix the fresh fruit with the cornstarch, sugar, nutmeg and lemon juice. Take your pie crust and lay out on parchment paper on cooking sheet. Place the fruit mixture in the center of your crust, leaving at least 2 inches all around. Fold the crust over itself all around. Brush the egg mixture around the crust and sprinkle with extra sugar.

Bake in pre-heated oven until crust is lightly brown, approximately 10-15 minutes. Serve warm with ice cream or whipped cream.


  1. This is a lovely summer dessert! I agree that a scoop of ice cream to go with it would be just the perfect thing :) I came across your blog today when I was shopping for a new template for mine! Nice to meet you...

    1. Hello, nice to meet you too! Thanks for your lovely comment:) I've neglected my blog for a bit and I'm glad you found something to enjoy here! I'll be sure to check you out too!


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