Jammers, Spaghetti & The Beach. A Weekend Recap.

Jammers, Spaghetti & The Beach. A Weekend Recap.

Happy Monday!! I just filed my taxes (I know...don't judge me;) and I'm watching The Voice. Thought I'd keep up with the posting and pop in to recap my weekend. Because, I know you totally care what I did!

Saturday was a blur. In that I didn't get out of my jammers the entire day, watched copious amounts of television and drank too much soda:( I did buy some flowers for the house, made homemade mushroom spaghetti and vacuumed....but not much else! It was glorious. But by Sunday morning I felt completely guilty for my slothy ways and I headed out into the sunshine!

One of the blessings of living in this area of VA is that I'm only 25 minutes from the oceanfront. I totally take that for granted most of the time, and this summer I've made a promise to myself to get down there more. It was chilly by the water and crazy windy. But I was only one of maybe 5 people on the entire beach and it was so relaxing! I took a few iPhone snaps and you can see from the pics that the sky was a perfect blue and the sand was perfectly warm and gritty! Probably one of my favorite place to just.....BE.

I hope if you live near the sea, you have plans to visit and enjoy it this summer season! And I hope you have a great week ahead!

Stay Blessed,

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