Life Lately

Life Lately

Here it is almost March...can you believe that?! I say bring it on.... As I get older, I'm becoming less enthused with winter. I appreciate the cooler days and there's nothing quite like that first magical snow of the season. Yet....yet. Each February I get a little bit blue and this year didn't change. I feel myself coming out on the other side of it...but for about 2 weeks I was prone to sleeping later than usual and reaching for unhealthy foods. Yeah...Spring can definitely show up anytime now! There just is nothing like the first days of the season, when the bulbs start to pop out of the ground, in search of sunlight. I kinda feel like that's me!! I'm craving fresh air and sunshine...minus the cold temperatures. So yeah...I guess I'm evolving:)

Lately I've been covering my house with the smell of hyacinth and honey biscuits. There's something comforting about the smell of fragrant flowers and warm bread that calms my nerves:) Of course there's been copious amounts of coffee over the past few weeks and dark chocolate too!! Two weeks ago we welcomed a new member to the family. He's furry and four-legged and his name is Watson. He's filled the gaping hole in every one's heart that was left with Murray's sudden passing...and it's just lovely to hear my sister and brother-in-law laughing again.

I hope this week is everything you hope it to goal is to make each day just a little better than the other one;)

Stay Blessed,

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