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2015 was a good year, all in all. It had many highs and many lows....but overall pretty decent! I left a job that I was miserable at and entered a whole new career path that has me challenged on a daily basis. And I love it!! This year saw the entrance of my parents lovely new pup Maggie and the unfortunate passing of my sister's dog Murray (more on that in a future post). Again....highs and lows. But I think it's those highs and lows that make life worth living. If everything was fabulous and zen everyday wouldn't it be SO boring? I dunno about you, but I need there to be moments that make me crazy happy and then extremely sad or stressed. It's called living life. I wouldn't have it any other way:)

Now, I'm not one to create resolutions lately. Nine times out of ten...they go to the wayside and then I just feel bad about myself. But I do like to make goals, something to strive for that isn't set in stone. To me, they're much more attainable! And I do have goals for 2016....lots of big, fat, juicy, audacious goals:) Here they are.....

  • Re-open my Etsy shop on or before my next birthday in March
  • Get a tattoo on said birthday in March
  • Try running again. I did it yearsssss ago and I'd like to attempt it again
  • Go to the beach more this coming summer
  • Move into a new, larger home
  • Have fresh flowers in my home, weekly
  • Fall in love again
  • Take the train....somewhere
  • Daytrip to the OBX
  • Take a creative class of some sort
  • Read all the books in my kindle
  • Eat more chocolate..... ;)
  • Make homemade ice cream
  • Get caught in the rain
  • Explore my city more
  • See a broadway NYC
  • Have next years Xmas shopping done by September
  • Be content..... <3
So, yeah! We'll see what happens with that list above:) I hope that your upcoming year is full of beautiful moments. Joyous days and sparkling nights. But also moments that cause you pause and remind you we are human and that not every moment is perfect....that life is perfect in the imperfect:)

Stay Blessed,

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