Going to try something new in 2016.....some regular series posts. I saw this over on one of my favorite blogs Dear Friend and thought I'd play along every month:)
:: Song :: When We Were Young
:: Book :: The Light Between Oceans
:: Quote :: Be weird. Be Silly. Be Kind.
:: Look :: I'm loving the color gray this winter. As seen here.
What is it about Adele? Everything she sings is just so fierce. Some may not like her; and that's perfectly fine. But you cannot deny that voice. I'm a huge fan:)
This book. Oh my. Sooooo good. I heard about it last year when my father (who is NOT a voracious reader) sang it's praises. I've finally gotten around to reading it and I'm loving it. So eloquent and descriptive. I cannot wait to see how it ends and for the movie to come out this year!
It's true. None of us are getting out of here alive. And this quote perfectly describes what a good life should be! Like it says, eat the delicious food and jump in the ocean. I know I will!!!
Gray. I'm all about gray right now. My new favorite sweater is gray. When I move this fall, I dream of painting my walls gray. A cold, foggy, gray morning is sometimes more beautiful than a bright, sunshine filled one. It's a good color and it's taken me years to appreciate it :)
Thanks for stopping by today and if you want to join the fun, let me know in the comments and I'll come visit you too!
Stay Blessed,
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