Thanksgiving {A Recap}

Thanksgiving {A Recap}

Happy Thanksgiving....a couple days late! I hope you had a beautiful and blessed day. This year, my family convened at my sister and brother-in-laws house in Suffolk for a couple days. It was way laid back and relaxing. But most of all, it was about family. The older I get, the more I appreciate the important people in my life. I'm rather selective with who I choose to hang out with....preferring a quiet night in rather than a loud, rowdy party. It's just how I'm wired. And my family just gets me. It also helps that we all are on the same wave-length:) None of us are wild partiers and I love that about us.

Friday we opted for a day in Colonial Williamsburg instead of getting up at the crack of dawn and shopping for bargains. We took the ferry from Surry over to the Jamestown Settlement and from there we walked around for a few hours, soaking in the history and natural beauty of colonial times. I forget sometimes, that we live in an area full of rich history and in 2016 my goal is to see more of it again!

This is a pretty picture-heavy post....but there was just so much to shoot! I hope you enjoy and that you and your family had a beautiful holiday weekend. Next up.....CHRISTMAS!!!!

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