What The Internet Showed Me

What The Internet Showed Me

Happy Saturday! Or, as we say in our house.... "Happy Caturday!!!!" This has been a longggg week and I'm oh so happy that it's the weekend. My M-F job is spent working at one of the largest healthcare systems in Virginia and this past Tuesday we had a conference with over 200 people in attendance. Needless to say, we were very pleased that it all went well and that it's now past us!! I had planned to take a road-trip to Manteo, NC today, but I think sticking close to home is a better idea! Maybe next weekend:)

The internet of course had some pretty great things to share this week. Here's what I saw....

  • "Chewie, we're home" Probably the best three words I've heard since I was a young girl of 11 seeing The Empire Strikes Back with her Dad! I seriously don't know how I'm gonna make it another 2 months....the anticipation is real folks! Enjoy this super-cut of ALL the trailers put together!

  • Adele. Ohhhhhh Adele. You make us wait what....4 years?? Just long enough for our brains to get saturated with Taylor Swift, One Direction, Nicki Minaj and then you swoop in with this. Well, hello to you too. SO incredibly glad you're back :)

  • And if you want 11 seconds of funny.....watch THIS :)

  • Meg Fee has an e-book!!! And it's ahhhhhmazing! You've heard me talk about Meg before, her life in NYC, her struggles & joys....all of it speaks to me in such a profound way. And her writing has helped me to find my voice here on the blog. Definitely download her new e-book, you won't be sorry.

  • I dunno about you...but hangry is a real deal in my life! Now....we have scientific reasoning to back up our foul, nasty moods:)

  • Drizzle & Drip posted a yummy pumpkin and apple cake recipe yesterday that I think I'm going to add to the dessert table on Thanksgiving. I was originally planning two pies (1 apple, 1 Pecan) but I think the pecan is going to be replaced with this cake! It look delicious!!!

  • Finally...in honor of the week leading up to Halloween I give you......the most obnoxious neighbors on the planet! Can you IMAGINE living next door to this house?! It's entertaining to say the least...but you know Macklemore would get old real fast when played on a loop:/

Have a fabulous weekend lovies <3

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