Summer Reading

Summer Reading

Happy Memorial Day! Summer is officially upon us and this year I've given myself a read 5 novels between now and September. Now, some of you {my mom and sister....ahem!} may be laughing at this post and thinking "Five!?! I'll read five in one month!" Well...while I love a good book....I'm not a fast reader. At all. Unless it's Harry Potter, which I read in about 24 hours. I'm a highly distracted person and although the story may be fabulous, I take my time delving into it and it can sometimes take me a few weeks months to read it! So, I figure #5 is a good number to shoot for over the next 4 months!

Why these five novels, you may ask? Well, I've always enjoyed a good Nora Roberts series and the Dwyer Trilogy has been good so far. The Silkworm is from that little known writer named JK Rowling;) She's writing as Robert Galbraith and I really enjoyed her first novel The Cuckoo's Calling, so I'm gonna give Cormoran Strike another go! The Light Between Oceans comes highly recommended by my Mom. She's a voracious reader and had nothing but lovely things to say about the story. Hidden In Paris is because...well....Paris!! I adore Paris and I need something light and airy to satisfy my wanderlust! Finally, Girl On The Train is highly acclaimed and receiving really good reviews. The story sounds suspenseful and fun and I'm all about that!!!

I'll be sure to review each novel upon definitely check back! I'll be starting with The Silkworm, hope you follow along!

Stay Blessed,

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