Sausage, egg & cheese crescent roll-ups!

Sausage, egg & cheese crescent roll-ups!

I haven't driven my car in 5 days. Do you know how awesome it is to say that?!?!? I actually went downstairs this morning to make sure it still starts (and made a quick zip to the grocer for the butter I was sadly lacking for an upcoming recipe) and had to remind myself to take off the emergency brake. What used to come naturally is now something I have to consciously remind myself to do. I don't drive as much because I'm walking to work now and I live in an area of Hampton Roads that is small enough that you can walk or bike to most of the stores. And I am LOVING it! After commuting 40 minutes and two tunnels twice a day for three is a welcome relief not to do that anymore. I feel so much less stress....such a nice feeling:) I highly recommend it if you are able....

So today I've got a quick post with some yummy breakfast food! I was going to make pancakes this morning, but then I thought these three items might go well together. Let me just say also, I'm not a huge sausage person. I'll always, always, always choose bacon over sausage. It's very rich and sometimes rich meat makes me nauseous. Like, homemade hamburgers on the grill? Ugh...just too much rich meat for this girl. Flatten mine out please!! So yeah, there's sausage in this because I was feeling froggy at the grocery store earlier this week and bought some. No plan for them, just a grab and go kind of moment.

There's really something about breakfast that I adore and I hope you like these too! They're easy to make and as a bonus, they freeze well and you can take them to work with you! That is if you have any left over:)

Recipe/Directions at the bottom.....

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1 pkg sausage links

1 tube crescent rolls

3 eggs

Cheese slices {your choice}


{Pre-heat your oven to the temperature on the tube of crescent rolls.}

You'll first cook your sausage links then set aside. Next scramble your eggs. Last open the crescent rolls and assemble on cookie sheet. I put the scrambled eggs on first, then 1/2 slice of cheese and finally the sausage link. Roll up the dough with your mixture inside, tucking the ends of the dough around the sausage link if need be. Bake in the oven as directed on the crescent roll tube and serve with maple syrup!

*** I cooked mine a little longer than the recommended time on the tube as they were still a little doughy on the inside. It could be my ancient oven that contributed to this just test one and pop them back in if need be! Enjoy:)

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