Ohhhhh Autumn. You really are my favorite time of the year, you know that? We won't even discuss summer since it's my least favorite season. Spring is truly lovely after a long winter and speaking of winter....I love all that comes with it. Christmas, hot chocolate, snow, mittens, seeing your breath outside, perfect hair days because there's no humidity!! But autumn....wow, you really do blow me away with your beauty every year!
The days start to get a little shorter in September. The air turns slightly cooler and the food gets slightly heavier:) A lot of people get super depressed when 5 o'clock rolls around and it's pitch black dark outside....but I don't mind it! Maybe it's the fact that I'm a military brat and we had to endure change every three years. I just roll with it! There's nothing I can do about it, so I might as well embrace it....right?! I dunno.
But I do know that my favorite things do happen at this time of the year:) Here's a list of just a few that make me super excited for this change in the season and I hope you are able to find beauty in the next few months!
- Apples + Apple Butter
- Open windows
- Pumpkins
- Sweaters
- Fall TV returns!
- Creamy soups + Crackers
- Bringing out the blankets for the bed
- Thanksgiving
- Candy Corn!!!
- Pumpkin spice candles
- Beautiful colored leaves
- Crisp blue skies
- Fireplaces
- Boots
Have a great weekend everyone! Hopefully it's cooling off where you are and you're able to get outside and enjoy the beauty of this season! I'll be shooting a family session at the beach and then maybe painting my living room!!
Keep in touch with me on Instagram or Twitter!!!
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