Ciao! Caprese salad!

Ciao! Caprese salad!

2014-07-12_0002Happy Hump Day! We're half way there people! Keep, keepin on as they say and before you know'll be kickin back and enjoying the weekend:) I know I'm looking forward to it, I'm going out of town! Yayyyyy! Doesn't take much to get me excited these days....a trip to NC to see family is just what this girl needs.

When I was in college, my Dad was still in the military. I'd grown up my whole life a Navy we were used to moving every 3 years or so. During my junior and senior year, my family got orders to Naples, Italy. I remember them asking if I would be okay with them being in Italy while I finished school and I'm pretty sure my response was "Heck yeah!!" We had lived in Spain when I was 11-13 years I was familiar with the process and knew exactly what to expect. It helped that my grandparents were about 4 hours away in NC so I could spend the occasional weekend with them and Thanksgivings! It was Christmas and summer vacations that were spent in Naples for two years. How does someone turn down that opportunity? They don't!!

We traveled everywhere during those two Christmases and summers....eurailing around Europe and seeing every bit of Italy that we could. The food, it was amazing! I love the food of Spain and I'd have to say that Italy comes in at a tie. My favorite dish was the Caprese Salad with mozzarella di buffala. I cannot explain to you how ahhhhhmazing it was/is and I hope that you get a chance in your lifetime to visit southern Italy and try it yourself!

Last week, I was craving this dish so I hit up the local market for fresh mozzarella. Unfortunately they were sold out of the large rounds but they did have the smaller rounds. They were just as great and it satisfied my craving...for the time being;) I just sprinkled a little olive oil and vinegar plus some basil across the top and then devoured the plate!!

Definitely on my list of do-agains this summer!!!

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