what's cooking!?! {frozen coffee latte}

what's cooking!?! {frozen coffee latte}

2014-06-01_0014Happy Sunday!!! I thought I'd share something sweet today. If you know me, you know my love and addiction to anything coffee/toffee/caramel flavored. Good grief, I wish everything was one of those flavors! I'm making more cold drinks lately since it's getting closer to summer and the heat in Hampton Roads is starting to crank up a bit. Before we know it, we'll walk outside and it will feel like we've stepped into the 7th ring of hell --- with 1000% humidity:/ It's this time of the year that I wish I lived in Maine or the Pacific Northwest. Ahhhh....can't you just feel that lovely, cool sea breeze? Mmmm....anyway, back to today's recipe!

Last year, my friend and I were at the local mall and we went into Williams- Sonoma so we could drool all over the calphalon and Le Creuset when we happened upon the ZOKU. Courtney had heard about the line and after taking a look at all there was to purchase, we both decided on the ZOKU Slush & Shake Maker.  What a great little buy for under $20! I used it several times last summer and decided yesterday to bring it out and make a coffee shake. The nice thing about this little guy is it's not going to make an exorbitant amount of product. It's really just a single serve device and that's nice....so you're not tempted to drink too much!

You can use pretty much any liquid that you'd like and of course real coffee is preferred. But I was anxious and impatient and didn't want to brew another pot of coffee {next time I'll brew extra and save out some for the ZOKU} so I used my go-to instant toffee latte instant mix from the grocery store. It's pretty yummy and satisfies that coffee craving when you don't have much time on your hands or you've run out of coffee filters. {Ahem....}

See the recipe at the bottom!

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  • Any type of coffee

  • 1/2 cup half-n-half {for a low-cal version, use skim milk}

  • 1/4 cup sugar {Feel free to omit sugar if you like your coffee plain. I need it sweet!!}

  • Chocolate to go with your drink {optional;}


First things first --- you want to freeze the ZOKU cup for at least 24 hours prior to use. You want it to be perfectly chilled and super cold. Be careful when you take it out of the freezer...make sure your hands are super dry or they will stick to the cup!

Brew your coffee, add the half-n-half and sugar, mix well and then chill in the fridge for 1 hour. I haven't tried putting a hot/warm liquid in the cup, but it just seems like that would make the chilling process that much longer and possibly damage the frozen ZOKU. If you do use warm/hot liquids, let me know how it turned out, okay?!

Because this is a cream mixture, I noticed that it took longer to start to solidify and I put it back in the freezer for 15 minutes. After popping it outta the freezer you can see the mixture is starting to freeze and you want to use the plastic spoon that comes with the ZOKU. Start stirring and scraping the walls of the cup and in no time you'll have a nice, frozen shake!

Enjoy everyone and see you next Sunday with a "what do I do with these leftover shrimp?" recipe for you;)

Stay Blessed,




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